Police disappointed after checkpoint fails

Police disappointed by drink drive fails

Wellington Police are disappointed after 15 drivers tested for excess breath alcohol last night as part of a crack-down on drink driving over the festive season.

Police breath tested 2,500 drivers at checkpoints across Greater Wellington

Acting Wellington District Road Policing Manager, Senior Sergeant Matthew Fitzgerald says locating even one driver with excess breath alcohol is concerning, let alone 15.

“This is a reminder that as a community we have a responsibility to ensure we drive safely at all times and do not take any unnecessary risks – getting behind the wheel after drinking is one of those risks not worth taking.

He says drivers can expect to see more checkpoints around Wellington, so if you are stopped by Police, no matter what time of day or the reason, you can expect to be breath tested.

“Our officers will be out in force anytime, anywhere to deter unsafe driving behaviour.”

The most important message Police want to convey is really simple: don’t risk your life and that of others by driving while impaired in any way.

Senior Sergeant Fitzgerald says if you are going to drink, plan how you’re getting home before you head out so you avoid making a bad decision later.

“Get a mate to drive, or someone to pick you up, or grab a taxi, ride share, or take public transport. There is always an alternative to drink driving.”