McCann Stands in for Billboard

Kapiti Mayoral candidate Rob McCann stands in for missing sign

Kāpiti Mayoral candidate Rob McCann is having to stand in for his billboards after a string of targeted attacks have escalated, with what appears to be well organised vandals now removing the entire billboards using a circular saw and taking the whole structure away.

Cr McCann’s billboards had been the target of vandals with an initial wave of spray painting that Mr McCann thought was inspired by the monster in Stranger Things (see image below). However, a new wave of vandalism has seen two large 2.4 metre billboards completely removed from the Ōtaki and Waikanae townships after being sawn off close to the ground.

“You have to laugh at people who think this kind of vandalism is going to sway an election result. Our community is strong and proud and I’m certainly not going to back down. My fourteen-year-old son and I put most of my billboards up, and he even took the photo of me. So, to whoever you are, all you’re doing is creating more father-and-son time, and steering another McCann towards public office so our likeness can haunt you for another generation!

“That said, I’m happy to sit down with the sign jacker, and have a chat and see what their beef is. There’s not much that can’t be solved with a cup of tea and a chat.”

Cr McCann has planned a fundraising movie next Monday evening to help get new signs in place. “I hope the screening of ‘Moonage Daydream’ about David Bowie will help pay for disappearing signs and structures which are worth in excess of $250 each.

Tickets are still available for the fundraiser screening at 6pm on Monday 26 at 6pm, available for purchase on 04 9725065.