Kapiti candidate says bring on the Living Wage

Maria McMillan

“Everyone deserves a decent wage but not everyone gets one,” says Maria McMillan who is front-lining a Living Wage policy in her bid to be a districtwide councillor for Kāpiti. 

“Paying a Living Wage to all KCDC workers–employees and contractors–is the right thing to do. It will make life easier for some of the people in our district who need it most. It will also put the Council in a great position to support other employers in our region to do the same thing,” said Ms McMillan.

“I’ve got no doubt that other Kāpiti employers will see that paying workers decently means a healthier, more stable and more loyal workforce. All of those things are big assets to any employer.”

The internationally recognised Living Wage, currently $23.65 per hour, is assessed every year by independent researchers as the amount workers need to get the basics and to be able to participate in society. In late August KCDC passed a resolution that supported the principle of being a Living Wage employer and instructed the Council’s Chief Executive to report back on the costs and benefits of adopting the Living Wage and to create an implementation plan.

“As a long time Living Wage supporter I had already started campaigning on this issue when the motion was passed and I’m so pleased. It’s a significant first step,” said Ms McMillan. 

“The Living Wage is important, it’s doable and we have a blueprint from other Living Wage councils around the country on how to do it. KCDC will need to set aside money in upcoming annual plans to shift to paying all employees a Living Wage. It will also need to make the Living Wage a condition for any companies who wish to be awarded Council contracts. This means that the benefits of the Living Wage extend to contractors who are often the most poorly paid part of the workforce,” says Ms McMillan.

“The experience of other councils is that to make the Living Wage a reality requires councillors who are champions at every stage of the process. I will be that champion.”

“I know that everyone in our district will better off when all of us have enough,” says Ms McMillan.