Mayoral Candidate says Kapiti Gateway project must stop now

Kapiti mayoral candidate Murray Lobb says Gateway project must stop now.

Kāpiti Coast Mayoral Candidate Murray Lobb has called for an immediate halt to the Kāpiti Gateway project.

“This project has already ballooned out to $7.75 million from the initial $4.46 million and I predict that the total cost of this project will be around $8 million of ratepayers’ money. This is in addition to the contribution of $2.23 from the Government” says Mr Lobb.

Some current councillors, who previously voted for the project, are now requesting another Council vote on the project but not until after another $70,000 is spent on resource consent. This would also be after the election has taken place.

Mr Lobb says “The approach this Council has taken is an arrogant disregard for ratepayers’ money, and their views.”

If elected, he says he will vote to stop the Gateway project immediately.

“I recognise there may be an argument for a cultural and visitor centre however the Council must engage with the community to find a project that has wide support rather than pushing forward with the Kāpiti Gateway Project.”

Mr Lobb says part of his decision to stand for the Mayoralty of the Kāpiti Coast is that he has become increasingly frustrated with the governance of our region and the continual rate rises.  He says the current and projected rises are unsustainable, especially for those living on fixed incomes.

“The lack of community consultation and meetings being held behind closed doors, have resulted in some very poor decisions being made. I will bring my business experience and common-sense to bear on how the Council spends your money,” says Mr Lobb.