Raumati to elect its own Community Board

Campaigning is underway in Raumati which will have its own Community Board this election

For the first time this year, Raumati will be electing their own Community Board.

In November of 2021, Kāpiti Coast District Council were required to review their representation arrangements. Through this process, and its community consultation, the community were vocal about the importance of preserving local, grassroots democracy, and enhancing it through any avenues available.

Up until now, there’s been a combined Paraparaumu – Raumati Community Board, while all of the other localities have had their own. So, the idea of having a Raumati Community Board was born and Nov 2021 was the prime time to action this, with the Representation Review in train.

Bede Laracy, the former chair of the Raumati Village Business Association and candidate for the Raumati Community Board was a driving force in realising this aspiration alongside Cr. Sophie Handford, as the current Paekākāriki – Raumati Ward Councillor standing for re-election. Sophie brought this amendment to the Council’s final representation arrangements to the table.

She mustered support from a majority (6 Councillors out of the 11), and worked alongside the community in an enabling and collaborative manner, culminating in a positive outcome of now having the Raumati Community Board’s first ever election.

“The fact that six people have put their hand up for the Board positions, to contribute to Raumati’s present and future, is inspiring. It’s a testament as to how engaged our communities are. I look forward to working alongside these wonderful people, whether re-elected or not, to write the future of this place we all feel so lucky to call home,” says Sophie.

“For me too, the process of getting this amendment over the line and seeing how it is shaping up now is a reminder of the need to work collaboratively and caucus support from colleagues on important mahi for our communities.

“Over the last three years, I feel I’ve worked efficiently, effectively and in partnership with our community to deliver outcomes for our people and planet. The Raumati Community Board is one example of that,” says Sophie.

The six candidates for the four positions on the new Raumati Community Board are: Bede Laracy, Tarn Sheerin, Nicholas Hollander, Jonny Best, Greg Gimblett, and Tim Sutton.