Lawrence Kirby standing for Kapiti Districtwide Councillor

Lawrence Kirby is a contender for a Districtwide seat on the Kapiti Council

Lawrence Kirby says his experience in, and passion for, effective governance is one of the reasons he is standing for the Kāpiti Council.

“I am passionate about our community’s health and wellbeing, in equity and in building a prosperous legacy for future generations. Integrity, optimism, pragmatism and strategic big-picture thinking are some of my key skills.”

 Mr Kirby is an active leader in the Community and Social Sector and is a Pastor.

“I understand first-hand the challenges our District faces – a lack of suitable and affordable housing, the rising cost of living, the need for increased health and social services, the desire for authentic community, love and acceptance, and the need for hope and a purpose.

“I see the incredible potential in our District – inspiring, engaged young people; a talented creative community; older people with a wealth of skills and life-experience; a motivated and growing business sector; a wonderful natural environment and most of all kind, community-minded people. My family and I have lived here for over 22 years and love Kāpiti.”

Mr Kirby is the Chair of the Paraparaumu College Board  and has served on School Boards for the past 9 years, including 6 as Chair).

“For the past 16 years, I have led the Kāpiti Impact Trust to become one of the leading organisations      in Kāpiti’s vibrant Social and Community Sector.  We facilitate Kāpiti Impact Hub (a community centre in central Paraparaumu), build capability and collaboration across the Social Sector; provide parenting programmes; run initiatives supporting our young people, children and families and      organise events that build community and encourage wellbeing.”         

Mr Kirby says the next three years (and beyond) have some big challenges for Councils to tackle     – 3 Waters, Local Government Review, Resource Management Reform, Health Reform and Climate Change –to name a few. They are complex issues and will require a Kāpiti Council that is listening, learning and leading to ensure the best possible outcomes for our District.

He says this community deserves a Mayor and Councillors who govern well with integrity and heart; who are big picture thinkers balanced with a healthy dose of pragmatism and realism; who are willing to make courageous, well-informed decisions and who are able to function as an effective team.

“I believe the Council needs strong and visionary leadership that inspires our diverse communities to realise their potential and maximise the opportunities that exist for them to grow in health and wellbeing. We need a team of Councillors who understand governance; who remember they’re in their role to serve the People right across the Kāpiti Coast; who are able to put aside their personal preferences to work together to support this District as it continues to grow as a vibrant, diverse, thriving community.

“I would love the opportunity to serve the People of Kāpiti as a District Councillor,” says Mr Kirby.