Kapiti Council to keep STV for local elections

Kapiti sticking with STV for 2025 elections

Kāpiti Council has notified its intention to keep the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system for the 2025 local body elections.

STV is a proportional electoral system where voters rank candidates in their order of preference. The alternative is First Past the Post (FPP) where each voter can only make one choice for each vacancy.

Mayor Janet Holborow says Kāpiti Coast District had used the STV system in every local body election since the system was introduced in 2004.

“Councillors had a variety of views on which system was better, with some seeing STV as a fairer system allowing for diversity, and some favouring First Past the Post as a simpler option for voters, so we decided that any change should be in consultation with the community,” says Mayor Holborow.

If five percent or more of enrolled voters disagree with the decision, they have until 11 December 2023 to demand a poll if a change is to be made in time for the 2025 election. To demand a poll, approximately 2155 voters must sign a written submission. This is based on the number of people enrolled to vote in the district in the last local body election.

The Council’s resolution to keep the STV system, or the results of a poll if called for, will be the electoral system for the next two local body elections.

Mayor Holborow said the electoral system decision would not affect the establishment of a Māori ward, which Council is also looking at. Nor would it affect the current governance arrangements with mana whenua, who are appointed with voting rights to council sub-committees and have speaking rights on Council.