Tim Costley says National will fund Cancer Treatments

National Candidate Tim Costley looks set to win the Otaki Electorate

Tim Costley, National’s Ōtaki electorate candidate, says a National Government will pay for 13 cancer treatments that are helping extend survival rates in Australia, by making them available to patients in New Zealand.

The New Zealand Cancer Control Agency recently identified 13 treatments for lung, bowel, kidney, and head and neck cancers that provide significant clinical benefits and are funded in Australia but not in New Zealand.

Mr Costley says National will allocate $280 million in ring-fenced funding to PHARMAC over four years to pay for these therapies

“We think this is a better use of taxpayers’ money than paying $5 prescription fees for everyone, including those who can afford to pay the $5 themselves. Under National, those on low-incomes and superannuitants will receive free prescriptions and the cancer treatments will be available to all patients with clinical need, as assessed by their doctors.”

Mr Costley is holding a public meeting with National’s Health Spokesperson Dr Shane Reti MP Levin on Thursday 24th August, 12 noon at the Levin Senior Citizens’ Hall, cnr Montgomery/Cambridge.