A programme to identify and repair broken sewer pipes on private and public properties is making a significant impact on the health of Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour.
Since the Knowing Your Pipes initiative began four years ago, 571 private wastewater and stormwater faults have been identified, with most property owners stepping up to make necessary repairs. While 38 major faults remain unfixed, nearly half are in Kāinga Ora properties and are scheduled for repairs.
Porirua Mayor Anita Baker said the high fix rate is encouraging and reflects a shared commitment to restoring the harbour. “We all have a role to play – on both private and public land,” she said.
Faults in the public network are also being addressed, with 41 major issues identified since the programme’s launch. Only 10 remain unresolved, but work is underway to fix them.
The recently signed Porirua Harbour Accord, a collaboration between councils, iwi, and community groups, underscores the importance of protecting the harbour. It provides a strategic framework for ongoing efforts like Knowing Your Pipes, ensuring long-term improvements to water quality.