Councillors are here to represent your views. Have a yarn with them about your ideas for your local area when you see them.
Porirua City has 10 Councillors in three wards (Onepoto General Ward, Pāuatahanui General, and Parirua Māori Ward) who, together with the Mayor, represent our community for three years. Say hello if you see them at the supermarket or sports ground.
Porirua City Mayor Anita Baker

Contact details
Phone (business hours): 04 237 1456
Email: mayor@poriruacity.govt.nz
Roles and duties:
- Mayor
- Deputy Chairperson – Chief Executive’s Employment Committee
- Chairperson – Dog Control Hearings Subcommittee
- Ex officio member on all committees.
Onepoto General Ward
Five Onepoto General Ward Councillors represent Mana Island, Tītahi Bay, Takapūwāhia, Elsdon, Kenepuru, Porirua City Centre, Ranui, Cannons Creek, Aotea, Waitangirua, Ascot Park.

Councillor Mike Duncan
Mobile: 027 236 6246
Committee Positions:
- Chairperson, Chief Executive Employment Committee
- Deputy Chairperson, Porirua District Licensing Committee
- Member, Te Puna Kōrero
- Member, Dog Control Hearings Subcommittee
- Member, Audit and Risk Committee
- Member, Wastewater Treatment Plant and Landfill Joint Committee

Councillor Kathleen Filo
Mobile: 027 227 4490
Committee Positions:
- Member, Te Puna Kōrero
- Member, Audit and Risk Committee
- Member, Wastewater Treatment Plant and Landfill Joint Committee

Councillor Izzy Ford
Mobile: 027 571 4405
Committee Positions:
- Member, Te Puna Kōrero
- Member, Chief Executive Employment Committee

Councillor Moze Galo
Mobile: 021 170 2123
Committee Positions:
- Member, Te Puna Kōrero

Councillor Geoff Hayward
Mobile: 021 213 1173
Committee Positions:
- Chairperson, Wastewater Treatment Plant and Landfill Joint Committee
- Member, Te Puna Kōrero
Parirua Māori Ward

Councillor Kylie Wihapi
Deputy Mayor
Mobile: 027 826 0300
Committee Positions
- Chairperson, Porirua District Licensing Committee
- Member, Te Puna Kōrero
- Member, Chief Executive Employment Committee
- Member, Dog Control Hearings Subcommittee
Pāuatahanui General Ward
Four Pāuatahanui General Ward councillors represent Camborne, Plimmerton, Pāuatahanui, Paremata, Papakōwhai, Pukerua Bay, Judgeford and Whitby.

Councillor Tracy Johnson
Mobile: 027 844 8874
Committee positions:
- Member, Te Puna Kōrero
- Member, Chief Executive Employment Committee
- Member, Audit and Risk Committee

Councillor Ross Leggett
Mobile: 027 536 7636
Committee positions:
- Heamana Tuatahi, Te Puna Kōrero
- Member, Chief Executive Employment Committee
- Member, Audit and Risk Committee

Councillor Josh Trlin
Mobile: 027 374 0114
Committee positions:
- Heamana Tuarua, Te Puna Kōrero
- Member, Audit and Risk Committee

Councillor Nathan Waddle
Mobile: 027 748 6803
Committee positions:
- Deputy Chairperson, Audit and Risk Committee
- Member, Te Puna Kōrero
- Member, Chief Executive Employment Committee