The Tawa Community Board is calling on residents to share their concerns and ideas as it continues to represent the interests of the community. The elected board works closely with Wellington City Council to ensure local needs are met, reflecting Tawa’s unique history and priorities.
The board’s key responsibilities include advocating for the Tawa community, providing feedback to the council on issues affecting residents, and making submissions on the annual plan and other consultations. Additionally, the board maintains an overview of services provided by the council in Tawa, engages with community groups, and undertakes responsibilities delegated by the council.
“We’re here to ensure the voices of Tawa residents are heard,” a board representative said. “If there’s an issue that concerns you, whether it’s local infrastructure, services, or community projects, we encourage you to reach out.”
Residents can contact the board with questions or concerns about local matters through official channels. The board’s advocacy plays a vital role in shaping decisions that impact the Tawa community, and ongoing engagement with residents is key to its success.
Visit The Board’s Social Media here: https://www.facebook.com/tawacommunityboard/