Welcoming 2025: A Year of Challenges and Advocacy for Mana

Column by Hon Barbara Edmonds, MP for Mana.

As the year is well and truly underway, I’d like to welcome you all into 2025! As always, my office is
open, and my team is available to speak to you about any concerns you have or support you might
need. You can contact us by emailing [email protected].

I hope you all had a relaxing summer and recent Waitangi weekend, with time to recharge, connect
with whānau, and spend time in your community. It was an honour to return to Waitangi, a truly
special occasion to reconnect with local hapū and iwi. A heartfelt thank you to Ngāti Hine for
welcoming me and my Labour colleagues, and for sharing the progress of the social housing and
infrastructure developments we proudly supported during the last Labour Government.

Our nation’s history is rich and rooted in the spirit of unity. Yet today, that very foundation is being
challenged. I’m proud to stand on the right side of history, opposing the divisive Treaty Principles
Bill, and it’s been so inspiring to hear of the many submissions from our local community, including
Ngāti Toa.

I’d also like to wish all teachers, staff and tamariki the best for the 2025 school year. The start of the
school year is always filled with excitement and potential, and I’m sure many parents were fizzing at
the idea of their kids excitedly rushing through the school gates, catching up with old mates and
sharing holiday memories. With four of my kids in college, three at university and one still in
intermediate this year, my little family is truly on the home stretch, with one finishing college almost
every year.

But me and my family are in a fortunate position (despite our largess) to be able to provide the
basics for our kids returning to school. Unfortunately, this National Government has chosen to make
life harder for many of Mana’s families.

Hungry kids of all ages who were getting Labour’s filling and healthy school lunches will be greeted
at the new year lunch bell with food some would describe as “slops”, as National decided last year it
would reduce funding and mass produce the meals centrally instead of locally. That’s despite the
evidence telling them not to, that it would affect kids’ learning, attendance and wellbeing at school.
Not to mention the loss of jobs for local providers.

At the same time, a review into school buses means routes around the country are being cancelled
or altered, leaving families with no alternatives to get their kids to school. And let’s not forget public
transport fares are hiking, resulting in even more budget constraints for parents.

National also pulled $2 billion from school building and maintenance projects, yet they somehow still
found $2.9 billion for tax breaks for landlords. It shows just how wrong their priorities are.

Labour started initiatives like the school lunches programme because we care about kids’ learning
and don’t want generations going hungry at school. Kids with full tummies learn better and we don’t
want food insecurity to be a barrier to accessing education. We also added more than 2,200
classrooms and upgraded state schools up and down the motu, many of which has benefited schools
here in Mana.

As young people go back to school, we want them to make the most of their time there. Learning,
playing and growing into people that will live fulfilling lives and contribute to our society. We should
be proud of our education system, and we can do so much better.

As your local MP, I will continue to speak up for the issues that matter most to our communities and
hold this Government to account. Bring on 2025!