Fire in Whitby Hills

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Reported by RNZ

4:16 pm on 29 January 2025 

A vegetation fire in Spinnaker Reserve in Whitby. Photo: RNZ / Reece Baker

Fire and Emergency says a vegetation fire in a Whitby reserve in the Wellington suburb of Porirua has been contained, and crews remain on site to monitor the area and dampen down hotspots.

A spokesperson said some houses were evacuated as a precaution.

The police shift commander at the scene said residents were allowed to return to their homes just ahead of 4pm. They said some fire crews remained onsite to monitor the area and dampen down hotspots.

Investigators will work to determine the cause of the blaze but he was unable to say whether there were any suspicious elements at this stage.

Incident controller Steve Hudson said crews had been working on tricky terrain, moving uphill into the reserve ahead of the fire to put it out from above.

The fire was now under control and contained, and FENZ was starting to wind down resources.

He said the blaze started at the rear of some properties, but the exact location was unknown, and until known otherwise every fire was treated as suspicious.

“We’ve just entered a restricted fire season, so people need to be aware that you should have a permit if you need any fires outside.”

Fourteen crews worked to fight the fire in the Spinnaker Reserve in Whitby from about 2pm and it was contained by about 3.30pm.

The fire was reported at around 1.40pm, and was around 480sqm in size at 2.30pm.

People are asked to stay away from the area, so trucks can get through.

The entrance to Mercury Way is blocked by police.

It is very windy.

There is some smoke in the area, so those nearby should keep their windows closed.

A vegetation fire in Spinnaker Reserve in Whitby.

Smoke from the fire. Photo: RNZ / Krystal Gibbens

Whitby resident Ethan Oliver said he arrived home about 2pm, when he noticed people in the street watching a “big puff of smoke up over the hills”.

He said the fire brigade had been called but was not yet on the scene.

The fire itself was in the reserve, but “pretty close” to his house, he said, and when he went out the back he saw a big plume of smoke and fire curling up the bases of some trees in the reserve, about 2m in height.

“It wasn’t like a big fire bank or anything, but it was just starting to get going. I was like, oh okay well, hopefully the boys get here and sort it out, aye.”

He said luckily the wind was pushing the fire back up the hill, away from his house, but the conditions were dry.

“It’s been real hot the past couple of days, so it would have been a tinderbox back there.”

A vegetation fire in Spinnaker Reserve in Whitby on 29 January 2025.

Photo: RNZ / Krystal Gibbens

The restricted fire season was declared for Porirua and Kāpiti Coast on Tuesday.

Anyone who wants to light an outdoor fire now needs to apply for a permit from Fire and Emergency.

District Manager Brett Lockyer said those areas had become extremely dry since the beginning of the year.

“This is a very risky time of year for wildfires, so we’re asking everyone to help us keep Wellington District’s people, property and environment safe from fires this summer.”

A vegetation fire in Spinnaker Reserve in Whitby.

A vegetation fire in Spinnaker Reserve in Whitby. Photo: RNZ / Reece Baker