Streamside School Programme Brings Outdoor Learning to Porirua Students

Porirua outdoor classes, give Tamariki hands-on learning experience.

Students across Porirua are enjoying a unique hands-on experience through Natalie’s Streamside School Programme, which focuses on outdoor education and environmental science. Natalie, the programme’s creator, says her favourite moments involve watching students’ excitement when they encounter nature up close. “Seeing students’ eyes widen when they see a worm or the roots as a harakeke is pulled out of a pot is the best part of my work.”

Launched 16 months ago, the Streamside School Programme provides lessons in plant science, biology, and environmental stewardship for students from pre-primary through college. Natalie says, “For many, it’s their first experience around plant science and biology with practical, hands-on learning, and they love it!”

The programme covers a range of topics, including restorative planting, wetlands, freshwater health, and the biodiversity of local areas such as Te Awarua-o-Porirua, Motukaraka Point, and Battle Hill. “I also teach the history and health of our local waterways,” Natalie says, explaining the importance of connecting students to their local environment.

Natalie has also teamed up with educators at Pātaka to offer a ‘Loving our Waterways’ programme, which blends art and environmental education. This initiative, offered several times a year, helps students explore the intersection of creativity and environmental care.

While some students initially resist outdoor learning, Natalie is often delighted to hear positive feedback by the end of each session. “They might moan at the start, but by the end, they’re telling me it was the best trip ever!”

Natalie’s work fosters an appreciation for nature among tamariki, encouraging them to understand their role as kaitiaki (guardians) of the environment.