Government’s Broken Promises Budget

Hon Barbara Edmonds, MP for Mana.

Column by Hon Barbara Edmonds, MP for Mana.

June is often a turbulent month in politics, as it’s the time when Kiwis scrutinise the Government’s budget. In my view, a budget should reflect the Government’s values and priorities for our country, focusing on a people-centred approach that supports today and builds for tomorrow.

In its first Budget, the National Government has done what we feared: it has broken its promises. They are choosing a path that makes everyday life harder for the people of Mana. The Budget lacks a plan to tackle the cost-of-living crisis, especially for those struggling the most. Despite promises to maintain health and education spending and avoid borrowing for tax cuts, they’ve reneged on these commitments.

The much-promised tax cuts fall short. The average family, promised $250 a fortnight, will receive just $60, and minimum wage workers will see only a 30 cent per hour increase. Local pensioners will get a mere $2.25 a week. Mana residents will suffer as vital support and social services face severe cuts.

Saving for the future has become harder with the loss of half-price public transport, free prescriptions, First Home Grants, and cuts to budgeting services. Predictions show rising child poverty, rents, unemployment, and inflation.

Last month, Chris Hipkins and I visited a local school in Porirua East. Teachers and students praised the benefits of hot, healthy school lunches on learning and attendance, but the National Government has cut funding for this programme. They’ve ignored the high cost of food and groceries, leaving local food banks struggling, while giving landlords a $2.9 billion tax cut.

These reckless choices and broken promises will leave New Zealand worse off for generations.

I will remain focused on advocating for the people of Mana affected by these cuts. I will continue to meet with our communities to ensure your concerns are heard. If you have a story about what this Budget means to you, please contact my electorate office at [email protected]. With your support, we’ll keep holding the National Government to account.