Green Party announces Gina Dao-McLay as candidate for Mana Electorate

Gina Dao-McLay has been selected as the Green Party candidate for the Mana electorate

The Green Party says it is proud to announce Gina Dao-McLay as their candidate for Mana in the upcoming general election.

“I’m thankful for the Mana Greens selecting me to stand in our local electorate and I’m super excited to be running this year,” says Gina.

“As a young person, I know that rangatahi deserve to be at the table when decisions are made that affect our futures. The Green Party is consistently committed to raising the voices of young people like me.”

Gina is a queer young person living in Porirua, the Co-Convenor of the nationwide Young Greens network and the former Co-Director of Make It 16, the campaign to lower the voting age which won their case against the Government in the Supreme Court.

“I know the Green Party has the solutions to protect our climate, restore nature and end poverty in Aotearoa. This can only happen with more Green MPs in Parliament.”

“I’m standing because Mana, like all of Aotearoa, needs a strong Green Party in Government. Our track record shows we’re all about action, and bringing our communities with us,” says Gina.

“From Linden in the south to Porirua in the centre, and north to Raumati, Mana is an electorate full of passionate community-minded people, and I’m excited to share our Green vision for the future with them over the coming months.”

“A vote for the Greens is the best way to say you want a Government that cares about our people and our planet,” says Gina.

Mana Greens have been represented by popular party list MP Jan Logie who was first elected in 2011. Jan announced her retirement last year saying she would continue representing ans supporting the Green Party up to the 2023 election.