Letting off Steam for the long Weekend

Steam Inc's steam locomotive Ja 1271 - is captured by Dave Vercoe of Est Oculus Photography

It is FREE ENTRY to join the team at Steam Incorporated for a fun-filled Wellington Anniversary weekend with the family, on the 21st – 23rd January from 10am to 2pm both days at the depot just off SH59 at Paekākāriki.

This is running in conjunction with Discover Kāpiti Heritage Weekend. There will be plenty to see and do – both of the superb steam locomotives Ab 608 and Ja 1271 will be in steam giving rides to visitors ($20 per cabride & $50 for a drive of a steam locomotive), and the Da diesel-electric locomotives on display.

Motor Trolley rides for only $2. All sheds will be open for visitors to look around, and volunteers present to answer any questions you may have. Inspect progress on the heavy restoration projects, Ka 945 and DC 4375! The Steam Incorporated team would love to see you there.

KCNews called in on Saturday and hundreds of locals and visitors to the chance to see these stunning machines let off steam.

For more see: https://www.steaminc.org.nz/