Key milestone continues journey for Ōtaki to North of Levin Highway

Otaki to North of Levin takes another step forward

Kāpiti Council District Council has received a Notice of Requirement application from Waka Kotahi for its new Ōtaki to North of Levin highway – a key consenting milestone for the project to move forward.

Approximately 3.6km of the new highway and shared use pathway is proposed to be built within the Kāpiti Coast District. Other resource management applications have also been lodged with Horizons and Greater Wellington Regional Councils, and Horowhenua District Council in their respective remits. 

If approved, these applications reflect the key environmental outcomes required for the project to be built.

“Essentially, a Notice of Requirement is a proposal for a designation which allows authorities to protect land for public infrastructure such as roads, rail, telecommunications, schools and hospitals,” says Sean Mallon, Group Manager Infrastructure Services for Kāpiti Coast District Council.

“It’s effectively a form of spot zoning over a site or route that gives certainty for our community and affected landowners about the location and nature of works, and protects the land from activities that may compromise that work.”

On lodgement, Waka Kotahi requested that the Notice of Requirement be publicly notified and that the matter be referred directly to the Environment Court for a decision.  People and groups will be able to lodge submissions once the application is formally notified, which is likely to be early this year.

“We know that Waka Kotahi have worked closely with their partners Muaūpoko Tribal Authority and local hapū of Ngāti Raukawa, as well as other key stakeholders, to develop the proposal. Through regulatory processes, Council will continue to work with Waka Kotahi and our partners to ensure that the project delivers positive outcomes for our communities and the environment,” says Mr Mallon.

Waka Kotahi has been in touch with landowners directly affected by the proposed designation and will continue to work with and support them throughout the process. This is in addition to the wider public consultation carried out to date.

Kāpiti Coast District Mayor Janet Holborow says the application brings us one step closer to a more efficient and safer state highway route.

“This project seeks to build on the significant benefits that the community and those travelling through our district have experienced, which Transmission Gully and the Kāpiti expressways have started,” says Mayor Holborow.

“Completing the Wellington Northern Corridor will make it safer, easier and faster to travel between Levin and Wellington.

“I will continue to advocate to ensure this section of highway is of equal quality and positively contributes to our district’s wellbeing.”

The consent application documents are available on the Waka Kotahi website at