Kapiti awash with Traffic Lights…

Recent crash scene at Paraparaumu's Ihakara St intersection

Traffic lights are not everyone’s cup of tea and Kāpiti seems to be awash with them at present, and public opinion appears to favour roundabouts instead.

A recent crash at the new traffic lights where Ihakara St joins the Highway was only a matter of time according to many longtime road users in the area.

When the Expressway went in the assumption from NZTA – now Waka Kotaki – was there would be a substantial reduction in traffic volumes on the Highway.

On the question of Traffic Lights vs Roundabout at the Ihakara intersection Waka Kotahi says “traffic lights will improve the overall safety of the intersection for all transport modes by better managing future anticipated traffic volumes.” Some might want to debate this.

Another debate gaining heat is the installation of traffic lights in Waikanae – Four Sets in the space of 200m and the ‘interesting’ design of two lanes going to one lane then briefly two again then one which merges with Elizabeth St traffic turning right on the main road.

The public appetite for this appears very low, with most users considering the new ‘safety’ measures to be far more dangerous than those they are replacing.

“Waka Kotahi claims the significant reduction [of traffic now using the Expressway] allows for changes to the road layout to improve traffic flow and safety.

“The improvements through Waikanae Town Centre will see a single traffic lane in each direction for through traffic, and dedicated lanes for right and/or left turning traffic at Te Moana Road, Elizabeth Street and Ngaio Road, each of which will have traffic lights. We’ll add extra parking along the road alongside on-road cycle lanes in each direction.”

Transport bosses say “providing a single through-lane in each direction allows us space to fit in car parking, cycle lanes and turning lanes, without needing to purchase property.”

Public opinion seems to be at odds with these claims – watch this space.