Newly elected Kapiti representatives welcomed

Kāpiti Coast District Councillors and Community Board members were welcomed into the Council Chambers with a Mihi Whakatau.

Newly elected Kāpiti Coast District Councillors and Community Board members were welcomed into the Council Chambers yesterday with a Mihi Whakatau.

Mayor Janet Holborow said it was a wonderful start to the new triennium.

“Councillors old and new welcomed the opportunity to meet staff and to start to build productive and positive working relationships and immerse themselves in their new roles.

“With six new faces around the Council, a new Chief Executive, and five community boards stacked with talent, this triennium provides an opportunity to reset and embrace the challenges ahead.

“The biggest issues facing our community are Climate Change and Three Waters and we cannot afford to rest on our laurels,” says the Mayor.

“A lot of great mahi is already in train. With some fresh faces around the Council table we have the opportunity to re-focus our efforts and strengthen our partnership with iwi, connections across the region, with other councils, and with Central Government to find shared solutions to shared issues.

“I’m incredibly excited by what the future holds and I look forward to working with my fellow elected representatives and the Council team to address the big issues and support our communities to thrive.”

The inaugural meeting of the Kāpiti Coast District Council will be held at Te Rakurua ki Kāpiti at 7pm, Thursday 27 October, where elected members will be officially sworn into office. The meeting will be livestreamed. Visit for more information.