Kapiti Cousins as Council Contestants

Kapiti councillor Jackie Elliott is joined on the Hustings by cousins Gray and Victoria

The 2022 elections have proven to be a real family affair for incumbent Kāpiti Coast District Councillor of 9 years Jackie Elliott.

“What makes this 2022 election so special is having two cousins around the country also standing for seats in their districts,” says Cr Jackie Elliott. 

Cr Elliott’s cousin Gray Eatwell, (Yes it is a familiar name for Kāpiti Coasters – Eatwell Ave) comes from the Eatwell family of Raumati South. Gray, a former commercial fisherman, is now an eco-tourism operator and farmer in the Whataroa Valley, West Coast. He is standing for the Hokitika Ward Councillor position in Westland District, a position he held in the 2016 -2019 triennium. “Gray shares my passion to help the underdog and absolute need for democracy and fairness. We were initially quite shocked at how well our policy bases are aligned, we must get it from our Grandparents,” say Cr Elliott.

Meanwhile over in Christchurch, cousin Victoria Henstock (née Allan) is standing for the Papanui Councillor seat for Christchurch City Council.

“I was delighted to hear Victoria was standing after many long phone calls about what it is like in Local Government,” says Cr Elliott. “Paraparaumu born Victoria, is a Buckley (another familiar Kāpiti name – Buckley Grove) granddaughter, like myself. Her family moved from Kāpiti to Dunedin in the early 1970’s when her father Michael Allan, former owner/editor of the Kāpiti Observer was appointed editor of the Otago Daily Times.”

Victoria, a former family court lawyer, has been prominent in her community, Chair of her local school Board of Trustees and former Executive Director of the Christchurch Cathedral Reinstatement Trust. “I’m going to have my fingers crossed for both my cousins on election night, and it will be hectic crossing over between three different council election results,” says Jackie Elliott.

Cr Elliott says she is bringing her experience back to the table, standing for Districtwide Councillor, and in her hometown, for the Ōtaki Community Board where she served one year in 2011. 

“It would be great if all three of us can carry on the local government journey. We look forward to meeting up for a celebration and a few photos together at some point if all elected.”