Districtwide Cr Elliott stands by record

Cr Jackie Elliott is standing for re-election as a Kapiti Districtwide councillor

Jackie Elliott is a fifth generation Kāpiti coaster and a current Districtwide Councillor.

“This is a role I have been elected to three times over, and I hope you chose to re-elect me for my experience and proven advocacy for you again.”

Cr Elliott says there several reasons why you may want to keep her at the council table.

“I am not in council to make waves, but let’s be clear I am not there to make friends either. I am well known and I am told ‘respected’ for always asking the hard questions at council. For exposing when your rights to consultation are deliberately flouted and persistent when your needs are not being addressed, always with polite professionalism.

“I apply my journalistic questioning to all council decisions, do due diligence and will not vote as management wish if it is not in your best interests.” 

Cr Elliott says she is the lone councillor who failed to find any valid reason for three consecutive average rates rises 7.9%, 8.0% and 7.9% in the 2021 LTP that are affecting us all so badly.

“In fact the timing, right in the middle of a long-covid affected economy was pretty dire. It isn’t the first time I haven’t voted as I’ve been told to and I do not accept the wool being pulled over anyone’s eyes.

“Having campaigned constantly on a platform of common sense and prudence, I was very comfortable to support seven years of the ‘Green-line policy of debt reduction and prudent spending. When this was suddenly flipped into $75M of further borrowing in the LTP just because the Government decided to ignore the Reserve Bank advice and allow councils to increase their debt levels I used my vote for a change of management. 

“Your needs come first. I was first elected as a strident council critic, organising Kāpiti’s biggest ever petition and march for a referendum on water meters in 2011. I continue to be your advocate and this year started the first Kāpiti public petition for the referendum on the 3Waters reform programme that you have a legal right to according to our own standing orders (9.16). Yes it’s in the rules. ‘Council must ask you first’. 

“I have never been ‘bought’ as some are when elected, or bewildered, or mowed over, so no, I don’t get the cushy jobs in council, the accolades or the media attention that some do, but none of my colleagues will say I don’t fearlessly stand up for what is right or cheer the loudest when we, as a team, get something right. They have benefited too, I have always acted on my passion for enabling fellow elected representatives across the country to be the strongest position to be effective advocates for the public in the tough arena that is Local Government. 

Cr Elliott says her actions show she has kept KCDC and the sector on its toes for the public benefit.

“I can absolutely stand on my record of getting the gloves on and advocating for you and your families to get a fair deal from KCDC to thrive and live your best lives in this great place and I hope you vote for me to continue as your public servant.”