Cam Butler is seeking re-election to the Ōtaki Community Board.
“I’m a Te Horo resident with my wife and two young boys (soon to be at Ōtaki College) and I would like to represent Ōtaki on the Community Board once more,” says Cam.
“There are some exciting and challenging times ahead for Ōtaki and it is important that the Ōtaki Community Board has strong representation, so that our community views can be expressed to the KCDC – this is why during my first term on the board I worked hard to ensure that the Ōtaki Community Board was retained.
“My no-nonsense attitude, strong community focus and ability to get things done, will be assets to the Ōtaki Community Board. I am the Chair of the Ōtaki Promotions Group, a passionate canoe polo player and sports coach in hockey and canoe polo.”
Cam says for a strong community minded focus, put #1 next to Cam Butler.