Work Ready Kāpiti says the annual #EmployerMeets are coming up and they are a great opportunity to meet talented youth.
With August and September quickly approaching, local Kāpiti Coast colleges and youth-focused charity Work Ready Kāpiti are teaming up again this year for the annual #EmployerMeet event series.
These events are designed to give youth more contact with local employers and businesses to help increase their experience and confidence when applying to jobs and create meaningful connections across the region.
In the lead-up to the #EmployerMeet events, Work Ready Kāpiti are looking for local businesses who would like to attend and connect with local rangatahi.
Upcoming #EmployerMeet events:
Kāpiti College: When: 11th August 2022, 5:15pm – 7:25pm at Kāpiti College
Paraparaumu College: When: 25th August 2022, 5:15pm – 7:25pm at Paraparaumu College
Ōtaki College: When: 15th September 2022, 5:15pm – 7:25pm at Ōtaki College
What can you expect?
This is a speed-dating style event, with a huge variety of local business owners available to meet with youth.
Youth register and select the employers they want to meet with, from industries they have an interest in. Then on the night, they complete a series of short meetings with their selected employers.
The meetings are like mini-interviews, a chance for youth to demonstrate their skills and abilities, whilst forging a useful connection with an employer from within their chosen industry. They can discuss their skills, experience and interests, the pathway into the industry and get top tips on becoming employed.
Rudy van Vlerken, Pzazz Building Kāpiti, says it’s an amazing opportunity for local rangatahi to get a headstart on their career journey and for local businesses to get involved in this journey and connect with potential future employees.
“I implore all employers to get involved in these events. We were all given a chance for employment when we were young by somebody. Be they a friend, employer or family. Please don’t waste what you have learnt and achieved by not doing the same. We need the young to work so they can lead a meaningful and fulfilling life, so they too can contribute to society,” says Mr van Vlerken.
There are currently still spaces for local businesses to get involved so if you’d like to support this awesome event for our youth, whilst also making some useful connections and maybe even securing your next employee superstar then make sure to sign up today.
If you’d like to register to attend as an employer, visit https://events.humanitix.com/employermeet-2022
If you are a local youth that would like to come along and meet with some of Kāpiti’s employers then make sure to register, we can’t wait to see you! Keep an eye on our socials for registration links coming soon.
For more information on getting involved either as a youth or an employer please email – h[email protected] or follow Work Ready Kāpiti on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn or visit www.workreadykapiti.co.nz for up to date information about the #EmployerMeets.