Dangerous trees close Reikorangi Road

Reikorangi Road is Closed to all traffic

Dangerously damaged 15-metre-high trees have forced the closure of Reikorangi Road in Waikanae tonight.

The road is closed to the east of the Waikanae Water Treatment Plan following days of wild weather and wind. This afternoon’s squalls have partially toppled a number of 10- to 15-metre-high trees bordering the road reserve.

“The risk of a tree falling and hitting a passing vehicle is high and the Kāpiti Coast District Council have made the call to close the road,” says Paul Busing, Incident Controller for the Council.

“Contractors working to clear the trees were withdrawn earlier this afternoon due to safety concerns when the wind picked up. It’s not safe to continue this work in the dark and with the weather forecasted for this evening.

“We know this closure will mean that some residents will not be able to make it home tonight. We are quickly working to better understand how many residents are impacted, and what their needs for the evening will be.”

Where possible, Reikorangi Road residents that are not already home are asked to stay with friends or family for the evening. If that’s not possible, please contact Council on 0800 486 486 for help organising alternative accommodation.

“Work to clear the road will commence at first light tomorrow and will likely take most of the day to complete,” says Mr Busing.

“This is not a decision that we take lightly but people’s safety needs to come first.”

Power is out along Reikorangi Road and Electra has advised that once they have access to the area it will take 12-24 hours to restore power.