Consultation has opened on some changes to Greater Wellington’s Revenue and Financing policy, which describes how the regional council funds its expenditure.
The policy outlines the sources of funding council uses for each activity. Current funding tools include general rates, targeted rates, fixed rates, fees and charges.
The consultation document, which can be found at https://haveyoursay.gw.govt.nz/revenue-and-financing-policy , sets out some proposed changes to funding for some activities, and the rationale for the changes.
Proposed changes apply to Regional Economic Development, the Regional Predator Control Programme, land management and flood protection in relation to the Te Kāuru Floodplain Management Plan, and new activity such as the Waiōhine River Plan and the Wellington Regional Stadium.
Consultation on the changes follows four weeks of online community engagement in September last year which was used to gather high level feedback on current policies as background to the development of the new proposals before the current round of formal public consultation.
“This policy is about where the funding will come from to pay for the activities planned in our Long Term Plan and Annual Plans. How much we plan to spend on any group of activities is included in the proposed 2021-31 Long Term Plan, says Greater Wellington chair Daran Ponter.
“The changes to the policy keep it current with legislation, reduce inefficiencies and make the policy easier to understand and more transparent. I encourage anyone with an interest in how regional government is financed to have their say on this policy.”
Submissions on the proposed Revenue and Financing Policy are open until 20 April 2022.