A new mural ‘Te Raranga Whare’ was opened on Saturday on the ‘Weavers’ Whare’ at the end of Tilley Road in Paekākāriki.
The mural is the result of a collaboration between mana whenua Ngāti Haumia, the Paekākāriki Community Board, and Kāpiti Coast District Council which provided the funding.
“It’s such a pleasure to open the mural today and introduce yet another great piece of art into our district,” says Mayor K Gurunathan.
“It’s heart-warming to see the mahi between Ngāti Haumia and the community coming together over the mural, and wonderful to see the image that honours Miriona, their tipuna.”
The work on the mural started in January last year when Kāpiti Coast District Council and community representatives, including Ngāti Haumia, met to discuss the repainting following maintenance of the whare (house). Ngāti Haumia led the design process, with support from the Paekākāriki Community Board and advice from the Council’s Public Art Panel, and have now finished the beautiful mural.
“Ngāti Haumia are pleased to work in collaboration with Paekākāriki Community Board and Kāpiti Coast District Council to recognise Ngāti Haumia whānau whānui,” says Karl Farrell, Ngāti Haumia ki Paekākāriki representative.
“We would like to thank the artists, Anthony Paaka and Ryan Paranihi for their dedicated contribution.”
The new design of the three walls of the whare includes the well-loved previous design by Johanna Kumplès, honouring the tradition of weaving.
The mural shows Papatuanuku (mother earth) and environmental elements including the nearby awa (stream), harakeke (flax plant) which the weavers used, and colours that reflect a theme of “mountains to sea”.
An important element of the mural is the image of Miriona Mutu Budge, tipuna (ancestor) of Ngāti Haumia, who owned the land and contributed greatly to the community including the traditions of weaving.