The updated Kāpiti Coast District Council Transport Bylaw 2022 was has been adopted, future-proofing the rules that help manage how we get around in Kāpiti.
The Transport Bylaw 2022 replaces the Traffic Bylaw 2010 and has been renamed to better reflect the role it plays in managing not just vehicles but other modes of transport. All bylaws are required to be reviewed every 10 years.
The Transport Bylaw sets the rules for things like car parking, our cycleway, walkway and bridleway network, signage, and activities on Council-owned or managed roads, road reserves, public carparks and other spaces.
Transport portfolio holder Councillor James Cootes says changes have been made to future-proof the rules and make the Bylaw clearer.
“The last decade has seen some big changes in Kāpiti which need to be reflected in the Transport Bylaw,” Mr Cootes says.
“We’ve got more people living here and moving to Kāpiti which is putting pressure on parking and transport routes, new expressways and cycleways are changing travel patterns and modes, and we have government directives around things like climate change and housing to consider.
“The updated Bylaw addresses some key issues and makes provision for future changes as needed.
“We’d like to thank those who made submissions during consultation. We heard from 44 submitters including eight who came and spoke to Council during hearings. Community feedback has contributed to the final Bylaw.”
Changes include the addition of clauses to enable future residents and business parking schemes, clarifications of rules around time restricted and paid parking and parking on berms and road margins, and adding sections to support enforcement when this is required.
While the Bylaw makes provision for residents and business parking schemes, it does not put any scheme in place. Any proposed scheme will go through Council and be consulted on.
Access and Transport Manager Glen O’Connor says the parking changes address issues raised by the community in recent years.
“Parking issues have been a big concern for many and between 2018 and 2020 Council received around 1500 parking related service requests.
“These include complaints about parking on berms and footpaths, vehicles driving on berms, damage from parking, kerbs damaged by larger vehicles, heavy vehicle parking, and parking over driveways.
“A majority of submitters during formal consultation also supported the changes, which are aimed at making sure traffic is not obstructed, safety risks are minimised and damage to infrastructure does not happen.”
The Transport Bylaw 2022 becomes active immediately and can be found at kapiticoast.govt.nz/bylaws