Kapiti urged to Monitor for symptoms

With active cases of Omicron increasing by the day in our local community, Kāpiti Coast District Mayor K Gurunathan is calling for residents to monitor for symptoms.

“We know this variant is highly transmissible and we need to prepare for the fact that at some stage most of us will know someone who has COVID-19 and is isolating at home.

“Keeping an eye on your health and wellbeing is critically important and the government’s message is clear – if you have symptoms stay home and get a test.

“The government has assured us that Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) will continue to be available for those who need them and supplies will be replenished regularly with more collection sites opening this week.

“From what I’ve seen so far, agencies are working well together on the ground to flatten the curve but we all need to play our part to ensure help is there for those that need it most.

“Only go to a testing or collection site if you have symptoms or live with someone who has COVID-19. Close contacts no longer need to get a test.”

“Information about when and how to get a test can be found on the Unite Against COVID-19 website covid19.govt.nz

Mayor Gurunathan said Council is prepared for the impact of Omicron and has been very upfront about the fact it will need to operate some facilities and deliver services differently as staff and contractors are required to self-isolate and prioritise their health.

“Critical services such as maintaining our public drinking water supply, wastewater treatment, fixing burst pipes, and funeral and crematoria services will continue to operate, and most online services and payments will still be available.

“However, there will come a time where Council will need to reduce hours or potentially close some of its community facilities due to staff availability. Keep an eye on the Council’s website kapiticoast.govt.nz and Facebook page for updates.

“There’s no denying that this is a challenging time for communities across Aotearoa and many of us are feeling anxious or overwhelmed by the speed at which this variant is taking hold. But I am confident that our high vaccination rates and commitment to working together as a community will help get us through to the other side of the Omicron peak in reasonable shape.

“We’ve only got one shot at protecting what we love so let’s continue to adhere to the Ministry of Health guidelines for the Red Traffic Light setting and be patient and kind.”