The Kāpiti Pakeke Lions Club recently drew their Playhouse raffle and the winner (ticket number 3905) lives in Ōtaki.
Club President Richard Pickering says the Club recently arranged to deliver the playhouse and very coincidentally the winners were having a family gathering.
“The extra labour available made a difficult delivery much easier. The atmosphere was jovial with many people there and the children watching.”
Mr Pickering says the annual Playhouse Raffle has been very popular and is a great fundraiser for community projects.
He says Lions are ordinary people from all walks of life who enjoy getting together and doing good things.
“We are kind and generous people who want to help. That’s why we work on projects to improve our communities and protect the environment. We get enormous satisfaction from the knowledge that what we do does make a difference. And we enjoy friendship and fun while doing so.”
This year the First prize is the playhouse, second prize a 30 minute scenic flight and third prize is a Kitchen Wiz.
Mr Pickering extended his thanks to the sponsors, Crighton ITM Levin, NuLook Kāpiti and others for their contribution to the success of this raffle. He says the Life Flight Trust will benefit by $4,000 from the proceeds of this raffle.
Other fundraising events coming up for Kāpiti Pakeke Lions are the Garage Sale on 20 July and the hugely popular Annual Book Fair which is a major project for the combined Lions Clubs of Kāpiti.
Mr Pickering says the Book Fair is held each year in October and raises approximately $40,000 per year for Kāpiti based charities.
The combined Lions Clubs of Kāpiti Book Fair is on October 15 & 16 at the Waikanae Memorial Hall – Saturday 8.00 am to 6.00 pm Sunday 9.00 am to 2.00 pm.
For more info see Facebook page: Kāpiti Pakeke Lions Club
Or website: https://kapitipakekelions.org.nz/contact-us/