Are you part of the Rainbow/Queer/Takatapui communities? Do you live in Kāpiti or want to? We want to hear from you!
Kāpiti Coast District Council (KCDC) is running a series of hui to find out what the housing issues are for a range of communities in Kāpiti.
They approached Paekākāriki Pride to get the word out to our Rainbow communities and they would love to meet with you over a kai and cuppa to korero.
Information from the hui 2-4pm on Saturday 15 January at St Peter’s hall will feed into a plan or strategy to address the issues for our communities.
Paekākāriki Pride says “We know it can be really tough when you’re looking for a rental property and you don’t know if you should come out because you don’t know if the landlord is homophobic, biphobic or transphobic.
“We know a lot of us have fur kids and this can be a huge barrier to finding a house. Some of our trans, non-binary and gender diverse whanau have been rejected by their families and can find themselves homeless or sleeping rough.
“In general, our community earns less than the general population so buying a house (especially in Kāpiti) is an impossible dream for us. What are some of the other issues that affect us as queer folks? Come share your ideas, experiences and thoughts with us.”
A Kāpiti Council spokesperson says the rainbow housing hui this Saturday is part of Council’s wider needs assessment to determine our district’s current and emerging housing and social requirements, examine their nature and causes, and set priorities for future action. You can read about this important mahi here: https://www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/your-council/projects/housing/housing-assessment/
“Through November and December we met with many community groups to understand their housing and social needs – this is the last of these events. We also had over 1,300 people complete our community housing survey and ran a separate survey with the business community. You can read about the survey and next steps here: https://www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/whats-on/news/2021/response-to-housing-survey-telling-of-current-climate/
Note: This is a vaxxed event so please bring your vaccination pass. If you don’t have one, we still want to hear from you in a questionnaire that you can send to KCDC.