As we start the new year, we resolve to make it the best year yet. Many of our goals include eating healthier, exercising a bit more and making an effort to spend more quality time with family. Fortunately, gardening offers the opportunity to hit all these three goals!
A lot more Kiwi families are encouraged to grow an edible garden in their yard. I hope these gardening tips will give you a good chance of getting a great harvest this summer.
Tidy Up
Harvest time!
Deadhead flowers to encourage more flowering.
Trim hedges and do some weeding.
Keep an eye out for veges / fruits that have blossom end rot, aphids and powdery mildew. Take off the affected fruits.
Flower Garden
Annuals and perennial flowering plants can still be planted to bring your gardens a burst of colour until autumn. They need extra care and watering at this time.
It’s a great time to plant marigolds, lobelias, alyssums and gazanias.
Planting flowers in pots is a flexible option. Gardeners may move the pots around to give plants more sun or more shade (as needed).
Vege and herb garden
Many gardeners who have planted their crops in spring are now reaping the fruits of their labour – tomatoes, zucchinis, beans, garlic, capsicums, chillies, etc. If you have excess, you may want to try pickled relish or preserving garlic in oil. Pick veggies regularly to encourage more fruiting – especially tomatoes, zucchinis, eggplants. Trim away the lower leaves of your tomato plants to help conserve its resources and reduce risk of disease.
It’s a great time to plant:
Herbs – basil, thyme, coriander, chives, mint, etc.
Veges – broccolini, carrots, chillies, beetroot, pumpkin, radish, silverbeet, spinach, sweetcorn and lettuces to ensure supply throughout summer.
Top Tips to Beat the Summer Heat
Water regularly – ideally early in the morning and/or towards later early in the evening.
Mulch, mulch, mulch.
If you’re going on a holiday…
See if you can form an arrangement with a neighbour, friend or family member to water your plants whilst you are on a holiday.
Mulch to keep your plant roots cool and hydrated.
Pull out weeds before you go.
For more tips, check our gardening guides. View our planting calendar to see which plants are in season.
Happy Gardening Henri Ham