Kaupapa: The Whakaaro Whakairo Sculptural Symposium encourages and promotes the arts in the community. It allows artists of various skills, from internationally-known to novices, opportunities to collaborate, learn and share with their peers. It gives them the opportunity to engage with the community and visa-versa. It allows students from local kura and schools to experience art and the making of artworks by artists.
What: A digital sculptural symposium of stone and wood carving, and other disciplines to be held in Ōtaki that will attract at least 12 artists and who will engage with the public, schools and students via the internet – Youtube, Facebook and website. Videos include:
1. Explaining the source materials composition and how it is made. This will incorporate both modern science, Māori matauranga and traditional aspects around stone carving.
2. The artists and the stories behind their art pieces (possible animation)
One possible activity will be a combined live music, artist workshop event centred at the beach and/or Ōtaki Forks.
• Artists
• Kura
When: No set time frame but early in 2022. Timing possible set by funding requirements. (Proposed time, 28 Jan – 7 Feb 2022)
1. Based in Ōtaki, a centre of Māori cultural renaissance, academic achievement, and an area of historical and cultural significance.
2. The venues (tbc) will be at the Ōtaki Beach, Te Kura-ā-Iwi o Whakatupuranga Ruamano. Ōtaki College and The Telegraph Hotel.
3. Artist’s works will be available for sale during the symposium. At the conclusion of the symposium an auction will be held.
1. Whakaaro Whakairo will allow artists to participate in a fun and friendly event in historical Ōtaki. Around this time are two significant festivals – Māoriland Film Festival and the Ōtaki Kite Festival. Both events attract many people from various countries and diverse backgrounds.
2. Several artists will be able to participate in the education-focused aspect of the symposium and engage with young people from local schools, kura and the Te Wānanga o Raukawa.
3. This project fits with Te Korowai’s stated principles as listed in its trust deed in particular improving the cultural wellbeing (arts and music) of those communities in the Ōtaki area. The digital emphasis considers a Covid19 impacted world.
Young Artists Workshops: The Young Artist’s Programme runs from around the beginning of the 2022 academic year. Artists will provide tutorial sessions for students from local kura and schools. An addition to this year’s programme is several students who are taking art will be invited to participate alongside experienced artists.
Funding Details:
Organising Trust: Te Korowai Manaaki Charitable Trust
Address: 161 Tasman Rd, Ōtaki 5512
Contact: Whare Ākuhata, 021307327
Bank Details: ANZ, Waikanae. Account: 01-0721-0126906-00