Tribute to Carol Reihana from Jack McDonald
Tīwhatiwha te ao, tīwhatiwha te pō. He rā pōuri, he pō kerekere. Kua hinga he totara i te wao nui a Tāne, he pou kuia o Ngāti Haumia ki Paekākāriki, ara tā tātou whaea Carol Reihana.
Ka tuku au i te aroha o te whānau McDonald, te whānau Baxter hoki ki ngā whanaunga e noho pani ana i tēnei wā.
I was so sad to learn yesterday of the passing of our pou kuia Aunty Carol.
I’ll never forget going round to your place when I was small (must have been a toddler) and granny was looking after me and being fascinated by everything in your whare. I’ll never forget how supportive you have always been to so many rangatahi, including coming with us to tautoko when I got into national Ngā Manu Kōrero comps one year. I’ll never forget your tireless mahi and advocacy with and for Ngāti Haumia, Paekākāriki, Ngāti Toa, Kāpiti. I’ll never forget your passion for keeping our local history alive and honouring our tupuna the way they should be. I’ll never forget your close friendship with my granny Pat McDonald and the joy you have brought to all our lives.
Aunty you and your whānau have maintained the ahi kā of this whenua for so long, through so many challenges and health struggles. You have welcomed so many of us to this whenua and alongside Aunty Jean, Aunty Tiny and Uncle Karl you enabled Paekākāriki to be a true home for both sides of my whānau. You will always be in our hearts. I’ll always miss you and I’m sad we didn’t get to see each other recently, but I’m also glad you will be able to find peace.
Takato mai Aunty ki tō whenua o Miriona, ki tō ukaipō, Haumia Whakatere Taniwha. Ākuanei.