Kāpiti writer Angela Robertson is all about maximising potential as she prepares to launch her latest books with a focus on positive aging.
The two latest books have captured the real life experiences from dozens of retirees for her Older & Bolder series.
Angela says she was inspired to write from her own experience.
“I was in the age group myself heading towards retirement but wasn’t ready to give up. We have decades left and life is a continuous adventure and we just change directions. I started capturing stories from many retired people and the positive feedback led to the books.”
She says from there she received lots of leads, ‘you must go talk to this person, they are interesting,’ and she had since done hundreds of interviews.
“It is all about positive aging, life is an adventure and you are never too old to start.”
Angela now runs workshops, inspiring people to write their stories. She says these range from short episodes for family members to full memoirs.
In her latest books the ages of those interviewed range from mid fifties to a Paraparaumu resident who is 101.
The Double Book Launch is on Friday 15th October, 10am, Ocean Road Community Centre, Paraparaumu.
Angela says come along and help celebrate positive ageing in our community with the launch of the 3rd and 4th book in the Older & Bolder series.
“Diane Turner, Director of the Office of Seniors and Liz Koh, Director of Enrich Retirement are the guest speakers, and you’ll get to meet some of the local people who feature in these books.”
Copies of the books will be available at the event and can be purchased online in paperback, Kindle and e.book formats.
The two books being launched are Embracing Life on our Own Terms and Celebrating Life on our Own Terms.
What: Book launch with author Angela Robertson
Where: Ocean Road Community Centre, Paraparaumu.
When: Friday 15th October, 10am