The Kāpiti Radio Yacht Club is holding a twilight sailing event to enable those who have commitments during the day to see these fun racing yachts in action.
The club plans to have 3 classes of yachts all sailing:
The East Coast 12 (EC12) a design off an early Americas Cup Design.
The DragonForce 65 (DF65) and
The DragonFlite 95 (DF95) both inexpensive racing yachts taking the world by storm.
These yachts behave in exactly the same way as their larger family at sea. Virtually the same international rules of race sailing apply. Many members of the club used to and some still do sail keeler and trailer sailers.
QR code is available and Level 2 rules apply.
Please come down and check us out.
The club website is https://kapitradioyachtclub.wixsite.com/kapiti-radio-y-club