Kāpiti Coast resident and district councillor Gwynn Compton has launched a new podcast dedicated to the world of local government in New Zealand – Local Aotearoa. The podcast, which will be published on a semi-weekly basis, will take a high-level look across the local government sector in New Zealand, exploring its history, structure, role, funding, and future, as well as taking on topical issues and current events.
“In my two years as a first term councillor on the Kāpiti Coast District Council, I’ve found that while local government influences the lives of all New Zealanders on a daily basis, our role, powers, structure, funding, governance, and limitations aren’t necessarily well understood – not just by the wider public, but also by those in the halls of central government too,” says Gwynn.
“I’m hoping that with Local Aotearoa I can build the profile of local government by making it more accessible through breaking down some of the complex processes we have. I’m also wanting to highlight the big issues we deal with that are having a significant impact on the lives of the communities we serve.
“As a sector that manages $150 billion worth of assets, and invests upwards of $11 billion each year on behalf of our communities, local government plays a vital role in our lives, so it’s crucial that we all better understand its importance and the issues at stake.”
As Local Aotearoa develops as a show, and if it proves popular enough, Gwynn will eventually look to bring on guests from local government around the country to get them to share their perspectives and experiences in the sector.
“While the issues I’ll explore in Local Aotearoa will be informed by my own experiences as a district councillor on the Kāpiti Coast, I’m wanting the show to take a much broader perspective and to tackle big picture issues, so I’m looking forward to bringing in my colleagues from around the country to share their experiences too.”
Local Aotearoa is available to stream now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and at www.localaotearoa.nz , and can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
The opinions expressed on Local Aotearoa are the personal views of Gwynn Compton, and not necessarily those of the Kāpiti Coast District Council.