Kāpiti Mayor Gurunathan says community idiots are at it again
“Residents living around the Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve have reported two incidents where motorcyclists have breached Alert Level 4 protocols. Both have occurred within a 15 hour period.”
The Mayor says in the latest incident the dirt bike rider had come tearing through the ecologically sensitive reserve, parked his bike which had no registration, did some fishing while having a cigarette, and then left via a track towards Manly Street. He says “a photo of this Community Idiot snapped by a local is attached.” Both incidents have been reported to the police.
“This is a repeat of similar incidents during the last lockdown. These speeding community idiots are a danger to the public and to themselves. Vehicles are also banned from the estuary reserve because of its high environmental values.
“I urge the community to call the police 111 number or the police COVID number 105.”