The Kāpiti Chorale and the Kāpiti Brass band joined forces recently for a magnificent concert featuring composers from around the world. The centrepiece was John Rutter’s beautiful- and tricky- ‘Gloria’. Other audience favourites were David Waggoner’s ‘Hodie’ and ‘I am not Yours’ by New Zealander Childs.
The band solo of ‘All in the April Evening’ was echoed by the gentleness of ‘A Seal Lullaby’ and the sadness of ‘Ani Ma’amin’ sung by Jews walking to their deaths in the Holocaust.
A ‘concert to remember’ as one audience member commented, ended with a spirited ‘Gloria’ by Jeffrey Ames.
The Kāpiti Chorale with up to 85 voices – one of the largest choirs on the Kāpiti Coast – normally presents three concerts each year.
Practices are held on Monday evenings from 7:30pm at St Paul’s Church Hall, on the corner of Langdale Ave and Kāpiti Road, Paraparaumu.
For more on the Kāpiti Chorale see: http://kapitichorale.org.nz