Electra Business Breakfast will host Raechel Osborne, CEO and Board Member, Mike Styles of Kāpiti Youth Support (KYS) will speak about the value and importance of social enterprise in our local economy.
Organisations like KYS are part of the daily fabric of many local families in Kāpiti. Their response to COVID and the reality of 2021 as an established social enterprise doing the mahi to support mental wellbeing of rangatahi in our community on the frontline has never been more extreme.
Raechel and her team are constantly looking out for youth so they can contribute actively to their wellbeing. She will talk about their model of operation, the evolving story of KYS and highlight opportunities for how business can support Generation Z and Alpha young people as future business leaders and employees. KYS is constantly planning for the long game and building sustainable relationships with everyone, including business.
The Electra Business Breakfast is on May 5 at Southwards – for Ticket info: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/why-is-social-enterprise-important-in-our-local-economy-registration-149639302181