Tomorrow is our National earthquake drill ShakeOut and the Kāpiti community is being reminded about making sure they are prepared.
Kāpiti Coast District Council Emergency Controller James Jefferson says after the year we’ve been through people would be forgiven for thinking that nothing else major could happen but New Zealand is always at risk of earthquakes and our coastline at risk of tsunami.
‘We saw during lockdown how much people looked after each other and especially made sure the more vulnerable members of our community were OK.
‘But the effects of a natural disaster could be quite different to a pandemic and cause a different type of challenge. For example, road closure or power failures so we also need to make sure we can look after ourselves and our whanau.
‘Having a plan, storing seven days of household supplies and knowing those around you are the basics or being ready.
‘Please take the time to think about and agree your plan should the worst happen, be prepared,’ says Mr Jefferson.