Horowhenua District Council is inviting the community to help shape one of its most important strategic plans.
A survey that will inform Council’s Long Term Plan 2021-2041 is now open, and Mayor Bernie Wanden is encouraging people to have a say.
‘Our Long Term Plan is the key document that sets out Council’s priorities for the next 20 years. As we develop the plan, decisions will need to be made about what we should prioritise. We need your input to decide what the priorities should be,’ he says.
Mayor Wanden says the Long Term Plan 2021-2041 will cover a transformative period for the district.
‘Our population is growing rapidly, and we expect well over 50,000 people to call Horowhenua home by 2041. It’s important that we plan for the needs and opportunities growth presents. The LTP will give us a clear plan for creating the best possible future for our people.’
The survey asks people what the top priorities for Council investment should be, and how much of a rates increase they would be willing to pay to fund improvements.
Long Term Plan Project Manager, Ashley Huria says public feedback would be used to help inform elected member decision making in developing the Long Term Plan.
‘By carrying out a survey before we’ve drafted the plan, we can ensure the community’s voice helps to shape the Long Term Plan right from the beginning,’ she says.
‘In March and April next year, there will be formal community consultation on the Long Term Plan Consultation Document and supporting information that will give people the opportunity to give us their views on key topics. We’ll then refine the plan, and we expect to finalise and adopt it by 30 June next year.’
The survey is open until 8am on Monday 19 October 2020. People can complete the survey online at www.horowhenua.govt.nz/growingourfuturetogether or in hard copy at any Council customer service centre.
Further information is available at www.horowhenua.govt.nz/growingourfuturetogether