The Kāpiti Radio Yacht Club race their radio controlled yachts regularly at Awatea Pond Paraparaumu (Wednesdays Fridays and some Sundays) and Winstones Lake Ōtaki (Sundays).
Visitors are welcome to come along and can often have a go.
During 2005 a bunch of people who enjoy sailing and racing radio control yachts established The Kāpiti Radio Yacht Club which became an Incorporated Society in 2009.
Since it’s inception, the Club has sailed at a number of local ponds, but since early 2018, racing has taken place at Awatea Lake in Paraparaumu and Winstones Lake in Ōtaki.
“You are invited to come and visit us, no matter what class of yacht you may currently sail. We welcome ALL to join us on a sailing day for either social sailing or serious racing.”
For more see: For more details: https://kapitradioyachtclub.wixsite.com/kapiti-radio-y-club