The formal resignation of Waikanae Community Board member Jill Griggs has been received by Kāpiti Coast District Council today (Friday, 18 September).
This means there are now two vacancies on the Board following the earlier resignation of former Board member Geoffrey Churchman. A fresh notice will be issued to enable the two seats to be filled in one election.
Kāpiti Coast District Council Electoral Officer Katrina Shieffelbein said under section 120 of the Local Electoral Act, 2001 the Council must hold a by-election within the next 89 days.
‘We will be starting this process again and calling for nominations for the second vacant seat early next week,’ Ms Shieffelbein says.
‘We received five nominations for the seat left vacant by Mr Churchman and those candidates will remain.’
Ms Shieffelbein says there has been strong interest in standing for the Board which is encouraging for local democracy.
‘Now with a second seat vacant I encourage those who have been thinking about standing to take the leap.
‘Community Boards are an important part of local democracy so we encourage anyone who has an interest in representing the interests of, and advocating on behalf of, the Waikanae community to get in touch.’
The new by-election timeframe is outlined in the below table.
Visit https://www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/byelection2020 for more information and to find nomination forms.
Tuesday 22 September 2020
Candidate Nominations open
Tuesday 20 October 2020
Candidate Nominations close 12 Noon
Monday 23 November to Thurs 26 November 2020
Delivery of voting documents
Monday 23 November to Noon Wednesday 16 December 2020
Voting papers returned to the electoral officer (via post, or official drop box/collection point)
Wednesday 16 December 2020
Election Day – voting closes 12 Noon