Public art took pride of place this week with the blessing of the recently completed mural in Mahara Place, Waikanae.
Kāpiti artist Kate Hartmann and noted muralist Ruth Robertson-Taylor produced the mural based on the fabric design of internationally acclaimed artist Frances Hodgkins.
Braving the rain to complete the blessing ceremony was Koro Don Te Maipi, with Deanna Rudd from KCDC’s Iwi Partnerships team. Also marking the occasion was Mayor Gurunathan along with Deputy Mayor Janet Holborow, all members of the Waikanae Community Board, and members of the Kāpiti Arts Panel.
Koro Don, talking to his karakia, told the gathering “this started from a single thought and it grew from there and eventually you end up with the taonga we blessed today.”
Mayor Gurunathan paid tribute to the artists and the Arts Panel who he says have made Mahara a busier place.
“The huge renovations have lightened this space and the artists have lightened it even more. What you have done is lift our spirits. When I first saw the mural it looked like a gift box wrapped, which has a long term promise inside the Mahara Gallery and Library upgrade.”
Cr Holborow, speaking on behalf of the Arts Panel, thanked the artists for their thoughtfulness and patience through the process and for the quality of the final work. “It is special when we get to honour our artists.” She also thanked the Waikanae Community Board for their support.
Ms Robertson-Taylor said it was lovely to be part of the blessing process while Ms Hartmann said they have enjoyed the very positive community feedback.
“At times it was quite stressful, particularly with lost time due to the Covid lockdown but the weather was great and allowed us to get it finished. And we thank you for the blessing ceremony, this has been very special for us,” said Ms Hartmann.