Relocating has been a high priority for the Kāpiti Foodbank and the journey was recently completed with a move in to the Kāpiti Community Centre on Ngahina St, Paraparaumu.
The Foodbank is open from 10am to 12 noon Monday to Friday and has significantly more space than the previous premises on Kāpiti Rd.
Co-ordinator Kerry Lovell says the new building is much safer than the old building it was leasing on a month by month basis from the New Zealand Transport Agency.
“The move was pretty seamless really, thanks to the Rotary Club who were amazing, so we didn’t really stop even during the move,” says Kerry.
She says the new premises are safer, warmer and more visually appealing than previously. There will also be a lot less problems with rodents and vandalism at the Community Centre where the Foodbank has a two year lease.
Kerry says the Foodbank is catering for 10 families a day and is in constant need of restocking.
“The demand is growing,” says Kerry. “We have already seen increases since subsidies have come off and we need to prepare for an even greater influx. There are so many families out there who are just not coping and many have less hours of work and the cost of food is very high in New Zealand.
“Food prices went up during Covid and a lot more everyday families, middle management families, are coming in as they struggle to make ends meet.”
Kerry says Council will review the lease after two years when plans for the Community Centre are better known.
“Council have been incredibly supportive. They are aware how busy we are and the need for other agencies to go into the Community Centre to help as well.”
For more on the Foodbank and how you many be able to help see: https://www.thekapitifoodbank.co.nz