Month: December 2017

Carols by the Sea Tonight (Saturday) in Kāpiti
Saturday evening will see about 1500 Kāpiti people singing out loud in the Carols by the Sea concert in the grounds of Kāpiti School. Carols […]

Kāpiti Council says no water restrictions here
While the rest of New Zealand imposes water restrictions or prepares to, the Kāpiti Council is adamant no such restrictions will be required locally. The […]

Early Christmas in Waikanae
Waikanae Library, Menzshed, Wellington Free Ambulance and Destination Waikanae are teaming up to have some lovely activities in Mahara Place on Saturday 16 December from […]

Coastlands to Civic Precinct Connection
The Kāpiti Council says it will be making it safer and easier to move between Coastlands and Iver Trask Place early next year. A new […]

Judge rules on Death of Raumati Beach Pedestrian
Peter John Porch appeared for sentencing in the Porirua District Court yesterday after earlier pleading guilty to careless driving causing the death of 91 year […]

Kāpiti Food Fair Hits the Spot
Over 15,000 visitors turned out for yesterday’s Kāpiti Food Fair for what is now the largest event on the Coast and further enhanced Kāpiti’s rapidly […]

Critical Crash On Paekākāariki Hill
A person has received critical injuries and a helicopter is responding after a crash on Paekākāariki Hill Rd in Pauatahanui. A man has been flown […]

Record Lamb Numbers in our region
If you thought you had been seeing a lot of lambs leaping about our region this spring you have. Beef and Lamb NZ says a […]

The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent events in Syria and have therefore raised their security level from “Miffed” to “Peeved.” Soon, […]