Climate Change missing from Kāpiti LTP key challenges

A new group formed to spur climate local action, Low Carbon Kāpiti, questions why any mention of climate change is missing from Kāpiti Coast District Council’s list of key challenges for the upcoming Long Term Plan.
Kāpiti residents have been asked by Council to respond through an online survey, found at www.kapiticoast.govt. nz/kapiti2038, on their planned approach to the plan.
Low Carbon Kāpiti chairperson Jake Roos says “The UN has said the next three years are the last chance to get global emissions on a downward path in time to stay within the 2 degree global warming limit of the Paris Agreement. Everyone must step up and work together to achieve this, including our Council, and local governments around the country and the world are. So the Long Term Plan should have climate change as a priority challenge, but nowhere in the Council’s document is it even mentioned.”
Mr Roos says Kāpiti is an environmentally-conscious community. “Hundreds of volunteers, some of whom were honoured at the Community and Civic Awards recently, work to protect and restore our natural places. But climate change is putting our environment, which is the foundation for our society and economy, in jeopardy. The Council needs to recognise this in the Long Term Plan.
“We encourage people to complete the Council’s survey, asking them to fix this.”
Low Carbon Kāpiti is calling for:

  • Council to achieve its corporate 80% carbon reduction target for 2021-22 by phasing out fossil fuels from its operations
  • Added support and incentives for marginal land to be reverted to native bush, particularly in water supply catchments, and for environmental restoration work
  • Continued focus on making it easier and safer to get around by walking and cycling
  • Vibrant, people-focussed town and village centres and excellent public transport around the district
  • Improved systems for reducing waste and recycling
  • Facilities to charge electric vehicles at key destinations
  • LED streetlights to be installed throughout the entire district
    People can find out more about Low Carbon Kāpiti and join the group at its website