In 10 days KCDC will know if resource consent has been granted for the Waikanae River Recharge scheme.
“Whatever the outcome, and seems likely to be negative, the $28.8 million borrowed for the project would be far better spent on building the dam,” says mayoral candidate Jackie Elliott.
“I have been criticised by sitting councillors for giving the dam the green light as a priority project if elected. However the building of the dam was the platform on which the current Mayor was re elected by a slim 600 vote majority three years ago. She then immediately backed down and the dam was quashed in favour of very unpopular water meters,” Ms Elliott says.
“The dam is the only sensible commonsense long term solution, and is achievable using funds already allocated to the river recharge scheme and a further $5.5 million currently allocated to the old water treatment plant. This is the bulk of the $35m dam paid for, without further borrowing. We cannot afford to waste another $28.8 million on another controversial scheme that is invasive to the river environment and based on unproven science” says Ms Elliott.
“The investment in our long term water supply is vital to the economic growth of the district and future affordability for residents.”
“The new dam can incorporate purpose built water treatment and cost saving, energy saving infrastructure. I have just toured the international award winning Wainuiomata water treatment plant and am impressed with the innovative technology not only designed onsite, but now used in 29 other countries. There is a wealth of knowledge and expertise on our doorstep that the current council are unwilling to utilise,” says Ms Elliott.
“KCDC have just announced that after the last three years of unrelenting overspending, they are unable to borrow again until 2020. “Now we have use what resources we have prudently,” Ms Elliott says.