Kauri Hall at El Rancho Waikanae on Thursday 19 August, 7.30pm
ASK (Alliance for Sustainable Kāpiti) wishes to create a platform where experts deliver objective technical information and where current politicians present their views. This will give the community an opportunity to review their own opinions which can be expressed in the election as the question of the Expressway will become the major election issue.
The following experts will provide information and various perspectives:
NZTA representative presenting the current conceptual design (not confirmed yet)
James Lundy, Common Ground Auckland, reviewing the current conceptual design from a sustainable development perspective
Ben Ngaia, Chairperson of Takamore Trust, Maori representative, reviewing the current conceptual design from a Maori perspective.
The following politicians are being invited:
Minister of Transport Steven Joyce (N)
The Mayor Jenny Rowan (representing the Council)
Members of the Transport committee of the Wellington region
Nigel Wilson, Paul Bruce, Judith Aitken, John Burke, Barbara Donaldson
Local MP’s and those with Transport portfolio holders:
MP Darren Hughes (L), Winnie Laban (L), Nathan Guy (N), MP Gareth Hughes (G)
Content of the evening:
Experts providing technical information and various perspectives45 minutes
Statement of position of all panel discussion participants 20 minutes
Facilitated podium discussion between participants,
facilitated by professional facilitator40 minutes
Questions from the public (collected before the meeting)15 minutes